अण्डा र एसको फहिदा हरु जानेपक्षि हैरान हुनुहुन्छ तपाईहरु

अण्डा र एसको फहिदा हरु जानेपक्षि हैरान हुनुहुन्छ तपाईहरु
अण्डा  र एसको फहिदा हरु जानेपक्षि हैरान हुनुहुन्छ तपाईहरु 
नमस्कार मा israfil आज मा तपाईहरु अण्डा को फाइदाहरु भन्ने छु \

राम्रो नास्ता 
सधई बिहान २ अण्डा को नास्ता गर्नु एक भरपुर नास्ता हो जसको कारण लामो समय सम्म भूक लाग्दैन \
हेल्थी डाइट अनुसार अण्डा लाई एक भरपुर् नास्ता मान्न सकिन्छ 

प्रोटिन कस्त्रोत 
अण्डा को सेतो भाग मा आलाबयुमिंन प्रोटिन भरपुर मात्रामा हुन्छ बिहान को बेला हाम्रो सरिर लाइ यो प्रोटिन को धेरै आवस्यकता हुन्छ तेस कारण तपाईहरु सधै बिहान अण्डा को नास्ता गर्नु हुन्छ भने तपाई को सरिर मा भरपुर मात्रा मा प्रोटिन पाउनुहुनेछ \

तेज दिमाक को लागि 
सधई बिहान अण्डा को नास्ता गर्नु तपाइको मानसिक स्वास्थ्य को लागि पानि धेरै लाभकारी छ अण्डा मा कोलाइन नामक तत्व हुन्छ जसले मस्तिस्क को निर्णय लिनुमा सहायताकर्ता गर्छ \
एसको अलावा सधै अण्डा खानुले तपाई को याद्सक्ति पनि राम्रो हुन्छ \
येही कारण हो कि बच्चाहरुलाई नास्ता मा अण्डा को धेरै आवस्यक मानिन्छ .

एनेर्जी को लागि अण्डा 
के तपाईहरु बिहान उठ्दा सधई अल्छि मान्नु हुन्छ
मान्नु हुन्छ भने तपाई हरुको लागि अण्डा खानु धेरै जरुरि छ 
अण्डा एक बेहतारिन एनेर्जी बुस्टर हो 
सधै बिहान नास्ता मा अण्डा खानुले तापाईहरुलाई पुरै दिनभरी सक्ति मिल्छ 
अण्डा को पहेलो भाग मा हेल्थी फैट्स हुन्छ जसले सरिर लाई सक्ति दिन्छ.

शाहरुख र सलमान ९ वर्ष पछि फेरी एक चोटी एक साथ पर्दा मा नजर आउने भएका छन् हेर्नुहोस कुन फिल्म मा आउदैछन इ दुइ superstar एक साथ

 शाहरुख र सलमान ९ वर्ष पछि फेरी एक चोटी एक साथ पर्दा मा नजर आउने भएका छन् हेर्नुहोस कुन फिल्म मा आउदैछन इ दुइ superstar एक साथ एदी तपाई हरु पनि शाहरुख र सलमान लाई एक साथ पर्दा मा हेर्न चाहनुहुन्छ भने तपाइँ हरु को लागि राम्रो खबर छ हेर्नुहोस कुन फिल्म मा शाहरुख र सलमान ९ वर्ष पछि एक साथ नजर आउदैछन
शाहरुख र सलमान ९ वर्ष पछि फेरी एक चोटी एक साथ पर्दा मा नजर आउने भएका छन् हेर्नुहोस कुन फिल्म मा आउदैछन इ दुइ superstar एक साथ 
 खबर अनुसार शाहरुख सलमान एक साथ पर्दा मा फेरी एक चोटी नजर आउने भएका छन सलमान को उपकोमिंग फिल्म tubelight मा शाहरुख एउटा छोटो रोल तर बेहद महत्वपूर्ण किर्दार निभाउने भएका छन  येसो भयो भने त boxoffice मा धमाका  मचिने त तय छ 

पहिला त शाहरुख लाई फिल्म मा लिने कोहि प्लानिङ थिएन बरु सत्रुगंज शिंह ले सलमान को फिल्म मा एक खास रोल गर्ने कुरा थियो तर उनले यो रोल गर्न इन्कार गरे पछि सत्रुगुन्ज को इन्कार पछि सलमान खान ले भने अनुसार किंग खान लाई यो रोल ओफर गरियो अनि शाहरुख खान सलमान को प्रस्ताब लाई स्वुइकार गरिसकेका छन एदी शाहरुख खान tubelight मा नजर आए पार झन्डै ९ वर्ष पछि यो जोडी फेरी पर्दा मा एक साथ नजर आउने वाला छ सलमान र शाहरुख लास्ट चोटी फरहा खान को फिल्म ओम शान्ति ओम को एक फेरेम मा देखिएका थियो 

पहिला यी दुइ साथी थिए फेरी दुस्मन बने अब फेरी दुस्मनी छोडेर दोस्ती गर्दै छन.
director कबिर खान को लागी पनि सलमान र शाहरुख लाई एक साथ पर्दा मा देखाउनु धेरै फहिदा वाला काम हुनेछ यो त तय छ किन भने यी दुइ वोटा को fans following लाइ मिलाएर हेर्ने हो भने त पुरै दुनिया हल्लौना सक्छन 

दर्सक लाइ तिहार मा उपहार "नाई नभन्नू ल ४ युटुब इन्टरनेट मा रिलिज

दर्सक लाइ तिहार मा उपहार "नाई नभन्नू ल ४ युटुब इन्टरनेट मा रिलिज
दर्सक लाइ तिहार मा उपहार "नाई नभन्नू ल ४ युटुब इन्टरनेट मा रिलिज

२०७२ साल को सफल चलचित्र "नाई नभन्नू ल ४ आइतबार इन्टरनेट मा रिलिज भएको छ \
निर्देसक तथा निर्माता बिकाश राज आचार्य तथा पटकथा लेखक सामिप्यराज तिमिल्सीनाले सामाजिक संजाल फेसबुक मा फिल्म को लिंक सेयर  गर्दै तिहार को सुभकामना लेखेका छन
हिट सिरिज 'नाइँ नभन्नु ल को चौथो सिक्कवेललाइ दर्सक ले राम्रो साथ दिएका थिए भने साथै एसमा समावेस संगीत ले पनि राम्रो कमाएको थियो जुन फिल्म बाट हिट मोडेल पोल शाहले डेब्यु गरे तथा डेब्यु अभिनेता तर्फा बाट भिन्न भिन्नई अवार्ड सम्मरोह ट्रोफि जिते
येही फिल्म बाट मोडल दय आंचल शर्मा र वर्षा रावत ले पनि नेपालि रजतपट मा डेब्यु गरेकाहुन \
फिल्म मा उल्लेखित ३ अनुहार संगै प्रियंका कार्की ,अनुभव रेग्मी , सरोज खनाल लगायत अभिनय मा छन भने बसन्त सापकोटा को संगीत समावेस छ \
हेर्नुस पुरा चलचित्र युटुब मा 

गत सुक्रबार रिलिज २ चलचित्र ऐ दिल है मुस्किल र सिवाय फिलम मा दर्सक लाई कुन चलचित्र बाढी मन परेयो अनि पहिलो दिन कुन चलचित्र ले बढी ब्यापार गर्न सफल भयो

गत सुक्रबार रिलिज २ चलचित्र ऐ दिल है मुस्किल र सिवाय फिलम मा दर्सक लाई कुन चलचित्र बाढी मन परेयो अनि पहिलो दिन कुन चलचित्र ले बढी ब्यापार गर्न सफल भयो
गत सुक्रबार रिलिज २ चलचित्र ऐ दिल है मुस्किल र सिवाय फिलम मा दर्सक लाई कुन चलचित्र बाढी मन परेयो अनि पहिलो दिन कुन चलचित्र ले बढी ब्यापार गर्न सफल भयो
गत सुक्रबार रिलिज २ चलचित्र ऐ दिल है मुस्किल र सिवाय मा दर्सक ले बढी रंबिर कपूर ऐश्वर्य राई फवाद खान अनुस्का शर्मा को फिल्म ऐ दिल है मुस्किल मनपराएका छन साथै दर्सक ले यो पनि भने कि अजय देवगन को डाइरेक्शन बनेको चलचित्र सिवाय बाट जति आश गरेका थिए तेती राम्रो चलचित्र छैन ...

धेरै दर्सक हरुको मुख बाट ऐ दिल है मुस्किल को बारेमा जति राम्रो प्रक्रिया आयो तेती राम्रो प्रक्रिया सिवाय बाट सुन्न सकिएन

पहिलो दिन को कमाई हेर्दा ऐ दिल है मुस्किल शिवाय मा धेरै भारि पडेको छ पहिलो दिन को कमाई येश प्रकार छ ऐ दिल है मुस्किल १४ करोड भन्दा बढी कमाउन सफल छ त तेही सिवाय को जम्मा ९ करोड
 यी २ चलचित्र को पहिलो दिन को कमाई हेर्दा अजई यो भन्न सकिदैन कि boxoffice मा कुन चलचित्र सफल हुन्छ हेरौउ अघि क् हुन्छ
 तपाई हरु लाई कुन चलचित्र मन परयो आफ्नो जिज्ञासाहरु तल कमेन्ट बोक्स मा लेख्नु होस्http://e-nepal366khabar.blogspot.com/

रास्ट्रपति भण्डारी को निम्तो मा भारतीय रास्ट्रपति मुखर्जी तिन दिने नेपाल भ्रमाण क्रममा २७ गते नेपाल आउने भएका छन

रास्ट्रपति भण्डारी को निम्तो मा भारतीय रास्ट्रपति मुखर्जी तिन दिने नेपाल भ्रमाण क्रममा २७ गते नेपाल आउने भएका छन 
रास्ट्रपति भण्डारी को निम्तो मा भारतीय रास्ट्रपति मुखर्जी तिन दिने नेपाल भ्रमाण क्रममा २७ गते नेपाल आउने भएका छन 
२३ कार्तिक भारतीय रास्ट्रपति प्रणव मुखर्जी नेपाल आउदा उनलाई स्गवात गर्न को लागि राष्ट्रपति  बिद्या भण्डारित्रिभुवन अन्तरास्ट्रिय बिमान स्तल् मा जाने भएकी छिन्

पररास्ट्र मत्रालय ले सनिबार बिगप्ति निकालेर मुखर्जी को नेपाल भर्मण कार्यालय सार्बजनिक गरेको छ
रास्ट्रपति भण्डारी को निम्तो मा भारतीय रास्ट्र पति मुखर्जी तिन दिने नेपाल भर्मण कार्याक्रम मा भाइ टिका को भोलि पल्ट नेपाल आउने छन

मन्त्रालय का अनुसार मुखर्जी लाइ रास्ट्रपति भण्डारी ले स्वोयम स्वोगत गर्नेछिन् र ,मुखर्जी को नेपाल भर्मण अवसर मा सरकार ले सार्बजनिक बिदा समेत दिएको छ

भारतीय रास्ट्रपति मुखर्जी ले तेही दिन सितल निवास मा नेपालि समकछि भण्डारी लाइ भेट्ने कार्यक्रम छ उनले रास्ट्रपति नन्दबहादुर पुन , प्रधानमन्त्री प्रचणड लाइ भेट्ने छन साथै प्रधान मन्त्रि ले भारतीय रास्ट्रपति को सम्मान मा डीनर राखेको छन

बिहिबार बिहान भारतिय राष्ट्रपति पशुपति को दर्सन गर्ने छन उनि काठमाण्डौ बिस्वोबिद्यालय को कार्यक्रम मा सहभागी हुनेछन भने उनलाई काठमाण्डौ मा सम्मान गर्ने कार्यक्रम छ 

दिवाली मा कसले मचायो बोलिवूड मा धमाका सुक्रबार कलेक्सन ऐ दिल है मुस्किल वा सिवाय कसले जितेओ हेर्न को लागि लिंक मा क्लिक गर्नुहोसयो

 दिवाली मा कसले मचायो बोलिवूड मा धमाका सुक्रबार कलेक्सन ऐ दिल है मुस्किल वा सिवाय कसले जितेओ हेर्न को लागि लिंक मा क्लिक गर्नुहोसयोhttp://e-nepal366khabar.blogspot.com/

 दिवाली मा कसले मचायो बोलिवूड मा धमाका सुक्रबार कलेक्सन ऐ दिल है मुस्किल वा सिवाय कसले जितेओ हेर्न को लागि लिंक मा क्लिक गर्नुहोसयो

सुक्रबार फिल्म फ्राईडे को ठुलो दिन थियो किन भने गत सुक्रबार बोलीवूड को २ ठुलो फिल्म रिलिज भएको थियो फिल्म मेकर कारण जोहर को फिल्म" ऐ दिल है मुस्किल" र अभिनेता बाट फिल्म मेकर बनका अजय देवगन को ड्रिम प्रोजेक्ट फिल्म सिवाय एकाईदिन रिलिज भएको छ
सुक्रबार रिलिज भएको ऐ दिल है मुस्किल र सिवाय मा टिकट एडवंस बुकिंग को लडाई मा ऐ दिल है मुस्किल ले बाजी जितेको थियो तेस्को असर कलेक्सन पनि देखियो
रिपोर्ट को मुताबिक फिल्म ऐ दिल है मुस्किल ले पहिलो दिन १३.२५ करोड को कमाई गरेको छ तेही अजय देवगन को फिल्म सिवाय ले सिर्फ  सिर्फ ८.२५ करोड रुपैया कमाउन सफल भएको छ
ऐ दिल है मुस्किल लाइ धेरै मल्टीप्लेक्स स्क्रिन मिलेको छ अनि सिवाय लाइ धेरै सिंगल स्क्रिन मिलेको छ
 फिल्म ऐ दिल है मुस्किल फवाद खान को कारण पछिल्लोदिन धेरै विवाद मा रहेको एसको रिलिज मा पनि ससंया बनेको थियो कि फिल्म रिलिज हुन्छ या हुदैन तर एसको विवाद सुधारे पछि फिल्म तय समय मा रिलिज हुन सक्यो
फिल्म मा पाक कलाकार फवाद खान पनि छ जो डिजे बनेका छन्
फिल्म मा शाहरुख खान पनि छन् ४ मिनेट जति उनको रोल छ शाहरुख फिल्म मा ऐश्वर्य को हुस्बंड बनेर देखा पर्छन तर फिल्म मा देखाइ ये को छ कि शाहरुख खान को र ऐश्वर्य को पहिला देखि नै तालक भएकोछ http://e-nepal366khabar.blogspot.com/

समाज सेवा.र. दुर्मुस जस्तै बन सुन्तली जस्तै बन्नु भनेर कमेन्ट गर्ने हरु लै प्रियंका कार्की को जबाब एक पटक अबस्ये पढनु होला

समाज सेवा.र. दुर्मुस जस्तै बन सुन्तली जस्तै बन्नु भनेर कमेन्ट गर्ने हरु लै प्रियंका कार्की को जबाब एक पटक अबस्ये पढनु होला http://e-nepal366khabar.blogspot.com/
समाज सेवा..र  दुर्मुस जस्तै बन सुन्तली जस्तै बन्नु भनेर कमेन्ट गर्ने हरु लै प्रियंका कार्की को जबाब एक पटक अबस्ये पढनु होला 

 दिपक राज गिरी" दाईबाट साभार:
केहि फेसबुकका महान आत्माहरू लाइ संयुक्त जवाफ दिदैछू
जो पटक पटक हामिलाइ सिकाइरहनु हुन्छ.. ....फिल्म बनाएर बस्ने होइन समाजसेवा गर , फिल्म बनाएर पैसा किन कमाको? फलानोको जस्तो गर.. उस्को जस्तो गर इत्यादि 
कस्ले भन्यो चलचित्र पैसा कमाउन बनाइन्छ? एउटा चलचित्र बनाउदा ९०% डुब्ने सम्भावना हुन्छ? केबल १०% चलचित्र मात्र सफल हुन्छन् नेपालमा .....१ करोडको लगानिले एउटा स्तरिय रेष्टुरेन्ट खोलेर ज़िन्दगी भरलाइ कमाउने बाटो हुन सक्थ्यो तर हामिले चलचित्र बनाएर जोखिम उठायौ,
चलचित्र बनाउनु, समाजको यथार्थवाइ पर्दामा उतार्र्नु ,कबिता लेख्नु, पुस्तक लेख्नु.... पैसा कमांउन मात्र गरिएको काम हो? ..
लक्ष्मि प्रसाद देबकोटाले थुप्रै साहित्य कृति छोडेर गए जुन पुस्तकहरू अहिले तपाइ हामि पढिरह्का छौ के उनले कबिता लेख्न छोडेर समाजसेवा गर्नु पर्थ्यो?
उनले पैसा कमाउनका खातिर मात्रै सृजना गरेका थिए ति कृतिहरू?
नारायण गोपालले पैसा कमाउन मात्रै गाएका थिए?
सॉधुरो सोच नराख्नुस.. समाज सेवा गर्नु पुन्यको काम हो , त्यो काम गर्नेहरू महान हुन तर संसारका सबै महिलाहरू मदर टेरेसा भएको भए यो संसार चल्थ्यो? .. के तपाइ हाम्रा मदरको पनि छुट्टै महत्व छैन समाजमा?
कसै संग कसैलाइ तुलना नगर्नुस
सबैको काम त्यति नै महत्वपूर्ण हुन्छ... समाजसेवा मात्र संसारको एउटा मात्रै बिकल्प होइन...आफूले लागेको क्षेत्र बाट केहि उपलब्धिपूर्ण नतिजा समाजलाइ दिन सक्नु पनि राष्ट्बाद हो, समाजसेवा हो आफ्नो पेशामा सत प्रतिशत इमान्दार भएर काम गर्नु पनि समाज सेवा हो
हामिले त गर्यौ र गरेको महसूस पनि छ .....तर तपाइ जस्ले फेसबुकमा ....धुर्मुस जस्तो बन, सुन्तली जस्तो बन्नु भनेर अरू पेशाकर्मी, कलाकार साहित्यकारलाइ कमेन्ट गरेर बस्नु हुन्छ .....तपाइले अब आफूलाइ चाहि प्रमाणित कहिले गर्ने?
कि फेसबुक कमेन्टस् मै पिएचडि गरेर मात्रै बस्ने ?
एउटा असल पेशाकर्मी भएपछि आफूले भिन्न भिन्न पेशा गर्दा कमाएको केहि हिस्सा गरिब दुखिको लागि पनि खर्चिनु पर्छ , सहयोगी हुनु पनि पर्छ
तर .. वकिल, डाक्टर, कबि साहित्यकार , ब्यापारिहरू सबैले आआफ्नो कार्यालयमा ताला लगाएर,काम बन्द गरेर समाजसेवा तिर नै लाग्ने हो र? .....

बियर पिउनु को फाइदा हरु

बियर पिउनु को फहिदा हरु आउँनुस जानउ बियर पिउनु को लाजबाब फहिदाहरु जसलाई जान्नु बहुत हि जरुरि छ 
बियर पिउनु को फहिदा हरु आउँनुस जानउ बियर पिउनु को लाजबाब फहिदाहरु जसलाई जान्नु बहुत हि जरुरि छ 

तपाईहरु ले बियर लै लिएर धेरै कुरा सुननु भयोको छ  होला तर तपई हरु ले  बियर बाट हुने फहिदा हरु को बारेमा सुन्नु भाको छ चिया र कफी को अलावा तेस्रो सबैभन्दा मसुर drink हो बियर तर बियर अधिक पिउनु सहाद को लागि हानिकारक छ तर एस्तो हैन कि एसको सिरिफ नोक्सान हि नोक्सान छ हेर्नुस तपाईहरु लै मैले यो भननं खोजेको हैन कि तपाईहरुले बियर पिउनै पर्छ भन्ने छैन यो तपाईहरु को इच्छा मा निर्भर गर्छ
एदी सिर्फ बियर यो कारण ले पिउनु हुदैन भने  मोटो भइन्छ या धेरै नशा हुन्छ भनेर तो तपाईरु लाई एसको फफिदा को बारेमा जाननु जरुरि छ...
बियर पिउने हरु लामो समयेसम्मा बाच्छन 
सन्तुलित मात्रा मा बियर पिउनु तपाइको स्वोस्थ्य को लागि एक दम राम्रो हुन्छ हा तर धेरै पिउना ले तपाइको स्वोस्थ्य बिगार्न सक्छ धेरै पिउन ले तपाइलाई क्यान्सर जस्तो खतरनाक बिमारीहरु  हुन सक्छन  अनि फेरी तपाईहरु बिलकुल नै पिउनु हुदैन भने भने पनि तपाइको स्वोस्थ्य को लागि राम्रो हैन कहिँ सोघहरु ले यो भानिसकेका  छन कि सन्तुलित मात्रा मा पिउने मान्छेहरु धेरै पिउने र बिल्कुल नै नपिउने मान्छे हरु भन्दा धेरै बाच्छन बियर सन्तुलित मात्रा मा पिउनु उपयुक्त हुन्छ एस्मा एल्कोहल को मात्रा वाइन र व्हिस्की को अपेछामा कम हुन्छ

  बियर ले हड्डी बलियो बनाउछ 
बियर मा सिलिकाँन को इसतर राम्रो मात्रा मा हुन्छ जसले हाम्रो सरिर हड्डीहरु लाई बलियो बनायर राख्छ एक सोध मा यो पाईएको छ कि जो मान्छेहरु कहिले काही बियर पिउने गर्छन तिनीहरु को हड्डी एकदम बलियो हुन्छ 
दिल को लागि राम्रो
बियर सन्तुलित मात्रा मा पिउने हो भने दिल को लागि आरामदाई हुन्छ जो मान्छेहरु पिन्ट बियर सन्तुलित मात्रा मा पिउने गर्छन तिनुहरु मा अरु मान्छेहरु को अपेक्छामा दिल को रोग को आसंका ३१ प्रतिसत कम हुन्छ संतुतिलित मात्रा मा बियर पिउना ले सरिर मा राम्रो कोलेस्ट्रोल को एस्तर बढ्छ 

किड्नी स्टोन संग बाचाउछ
अमेरिका मा भएको सोध को अनुसार बियर पिउना ले पथ्थरी हुनु को खतरा कम हुन्छ सोध मा यो कुरा पनि निक्लियेरा आको छ कि ४० प्रतिसत बियर पिउने मान्छेहरू मा किड्नी स्टोन हुनु को खतरा तिनीहरु भन्दा धेरै कम भएको थियो जो मान्छे हरु बियर पिउथेनन तर अहिलेसम्म सोध कर्ता हरु यो निधारित गरेका छैनन् कि बियर मा एस्तो कुन चिज समिल छ जसको कारण यो भयो
कोलेस्ट्रोलको स्तर मा सुधार गर्छ
बियर मा कोलेस्ट्रोल हुदैन तर यो तपाइको सरिर मा कोलेस्ट्रोल को स्तर सुधार गर्छ सन्तुलित मात्रा मा बियर पिउनु सरिर मा राम्रो कोलेस्ट्रोल र खराब कोलेस्ट्रोल को स्तर सन्तुलित गर्छ बियर सरिर मा राम्रो कोलेस्ट्रोल को स्तर लाई बढाउछ ताजा सोध को हिसाब ले हरदिन एक बियर पिउना ले  राम्रो कोलेस्ट्रोल को स्तर मा चार फिसदी को बढोत्री गर्छ
बियर मा भिटामिन बि हुन्छ
बियर खाशगरि अन्फिल्टर या लाइट बियर धेरै पौस्टिक हुन्छ बियर मा भिटामिन बि उच्च् स्तर मा हुन्छ येसम फालिक एसिड हुन्छ जसले हार्ट अटेक देखि बचाउन मा  मददगार हुन्छ बियर मा घुलुन्सिल फाइबर छ जसले तापाईहरुलाई सधै काम गर्न को लागि प्राप्त उर्जा दिन्छ एसको साथ मा यो फाइबर हाम्रो सरिर मा जम्मा भएको अतिरक्त बोसो र खराब चिज हरु निकाल्न मदद गर्छ एसको साथ हि यो सरिरी मा मेग्नेसियम र पोटेसियम को स्तर पनि बढाउन मा मदद गर्छ
क्यान्सर संग लड्न मदद गर्छ
बियर को सबैभन्दा कमाल को फहिदा यो हो कि एसले क्यान्सर संग लड्न मदद गर्छ बियर बनाउन मा स्तमाल हुने पौधा होप्स मा एक्सनथोहूमोल  (xanthohumol) पाईन्छ जसले क्यान्सर संग लड्न मदद गर्छ यो एन्टी-आकसिदेंट केवल बियर मा मात्रै पाईन्छ  यो तत्वो एती राम्रो हुन्छ कि जर्मनी को मान्छे हरु ले यसको स्तर बढाएर एक खस बियर तयार गरेको छन्
पानि भन्दा अधिक सुरुक्षित् छ बियर
तपाईहरु एदी कुनै एस्तो ठाउमा हुनुन्छ जहाँ पानि नपिउन साला दिएको छ त तेस्तो बेला तपाई बियर पिउन सक्नु हुन्छ  यो एक दम सुरिक्षित् विकल्प हो किनकि बियरलाई उबालेरा बनाइन्छ तेस पछि सिल बन्द हुने बेला सम्म एसमा स्वोस्क्ष्यत़ा को पुरा ख्याल राखीन्छ बियर खराब भए पनि एसमा कोइ जानलेबा ब्याकटिरिया हुदैन तेसैले तपाई बेफिक्र भएर बियर पिउन सक्नु हुन्छ
एल्जाइमर देखि बचाउछ
बियर पिउन ले एल्जाइमर र डिमेसिया जस्तो मानसिक रोग को खतरा  कम हुन्छ २००५ मा भएको एक सोध मा ११००० बुढी महिलाहरुको को अध्यान गरिएको थियो जसको आधार मा उनले यो तत्वो को खुलासा गरेका थिए
बियर मा रासायनिक योगीक हुन्छ जसमा एन्टीवयरल गुण हुन्छ जो बियर पिउने मान्छेहरु लाई उसवयरल बाट बचाऊछ जसको कारण बच्चा मा निमोनिया या ब्रांगकाईटिस हुन्छ http://e-nepal366khabar.blogspot.com/

हाम्रो उदेश्य मान्छे हरुलाई बियर पिउनु को लागि आकर्सित गर्नु हैन सन्तुलित मात्रा मा बियर पिउनु को फहिदाहरु मात्रै बताउनु हो धन्याबाद 

घरेलु उपाए अपनाऊनुहोस मोटोपन कम गर्नुस

जिरा को प्रोयोग ले मोटोपन घटाउनु होस् येसरी http://e-nepal366khabar.blogspot.com/
मोटोपनघटाउनुहोस घटाउने आसान तरिका हरु एदी तपाईहरु मोटोपन ले परिसान हुनुहुन्छ भने पुरा पढ्नुहोसhttp://e-nepal366khabar.blogspot.com/

पेट कम गर्नु बिहान बिहान morningwork जोगिंग गर्नु धेरै राम्रो मानिन्छ बिहान बिहान सधै दोड्नुहोस् नियमित रुपले बढिराखेको पेट लै रोक्ने र सरिर लै फिट राखने गर्दछ
आधा चम्मच जिरा लिएर १ गिलाश उब्लिरहेको पानि मा हल्दिनु अनि १० मिनेट टक तेसलाई ढाकेर रख्दिनु पक्षि पानि चिसो भएपछि पानि छानेर पिउनुहोस नियमित रुपले येसरी पिउन ले पेट छिटो कम हुन्छ 
नारिवोल पानि येसम अरु फल भन्दा धेरै इलेक्टोलिट्स पाइन्छ नाता एसमा धेरई सुगर को मात्रा हुन्छ नात कोइ क्रीक्रिम  पेलोबर हुन्छ येसम थोरै पनि  क्यालोरी हुदैन जसको कारण मोटोपा बढ्दैन एसको अलवा एसले सरिर लै तुरन्त फुर्ति पनि दिन्छ 
 पुदिना को चट्नी पुदिना को ताजा  हरियो पात लै लिएर चट्नी बनाउनुसहोस् र रोटि संग खानुहोस यो मोटोपन घटाउन बहुत हि असर कार हुन्छ 
lemon tea या green tea दिउसमा या राति मा भूक लागेको बेला अन्य चिज खानु भन्दा यो चिया पिउनु होस् एसमा अमिनो एसिड हुन्छ जो मस्तिष्कमा रिलेक्सन क्यमिकल कस्त्राब हुन्छ जसले तपाइको भोक लै कन्ट्रोल गर्छ  
यो सब गरेलु तरिका अपनाएर तपाइले आफ्नो मोटोपन घटाउन सक्नु हुन्छ मोटो घटाउने बारे अरु केहि जान्नु छ भने तल कमेन्ट बोकस मा सोध्नन सक्नु हुन्छ धन्यबाद http://e-nepal366khabar.blogspot.com/

प्याज को प्रयोग गरि कपाल झार्न बाट रोक्नुहोस अनि हेर्नुहोस एस्ता छन प्याज का स्वोस्थ्य लाभहरु

प्याज को प्रयोग गरेर कसरि कपाल झरना रोक्नुहोस bread more
प्याज को प्रयोग गरि कपाल झार्न बाट रोक्नुहोस अनि हेर्नुहोस एस्ता छन प्याज का स्वोस्थ्य लाभहरु
 प्याज  को स्वास्थ्य लाभ हरु
कपाल झर्नु को समस्या बाट आजद हुनु को लागि प्याज बहुत हि असरकारी छ कपाल झर्ने ठाउमा प्याज को रस लगाउँना ले कपाल झर्न बन्द गर्छ र प्याज को लेप कपाल मा लगाउना ले झरेको ठाउँ बाट कालो कपाल आउन सुरु गर्छ
प्याज ले रुगा जुखाम ठिक गर्छ 
प्याज को तसिर गरम हुन्छ एस कारण एसको प्रयोग जाडो मा धेरै नै फयदकार हुन्छ जाडो रुगा खराश आदि समस्या भएमा ताजा प्याज को रस पीएमा फाइदा हुन्छ यसलाइ तपाइले तपाइले गुड या सहाद मा मिलाएर पनि खाना सक्नु हुन्छ 
पत्थरी को इलाज
पत्थरी भएमा प्याज बहुत हि उपयोगी हुन्छ प्याज को रस बिहान खाली पेट पिउना ले पत्थरी आफै थोरै थोरै काटेर पिसाब को बाटो देखि बाहिर निस्किन्छ प्याज को रस चिनी पानि मा मिलाएर पिउनाले पत्थरी दुर गर्न सकिन्छ 
डायाबेतिज गर्नुहोस कन्ट्रोल 
तपैहरु कसैलाई डायाबेतिज को समस्या छ भने तपाइले प्याज खाना सुरु गरिदिनु पर्छ किन भने प्याज खानु ले सरिर मा इंसुलिन को इसतर सामान्य हुन्छ 
योन सक्ति बढाउनुहोस पहिला देखि नै सरिरिक समता लै बढाऊन को लागि प्याज को प्रयोग गरिआइएको छ प्याज खानाले सेक्स क् समता बढ्छ पुरुस को लागि त प्याज सेक्स पावर बढाउनको सबै भन्दा राम्रो उपाए हो 

पिसाब सम्भंदी समस्या मा असर कारी प्याज को रस लै पानि मा उबालेरा पिउना ले पिसाब सम्भंधि समस्या खातम हुन्छ पिसाब आउन बन्द भयो भने प्याज को २ चम्मच रस र गोहू लै मिलाएर आटो बनाउनु एस्लाई गरम गरेर पेट मा एसको लेप लगाउना ले पिसाब को समस्या दुर हुन्छ 

Village Girls In China are better then models

Comedy Hostel is a new Nepali entertainment show. This type of concept is launched by NK TV for the first time in Nepal where different celebrities will be interviewed in a very fun, dramatic and romantic way.
Guest- Sanchita Lute
Artist- Lokendra Lekhak, Yadav Devkota, Raju Comedy,Laxmi Bardewa
Director- Nabaraj Khadka
Program Producer- Dipa Basnet
Script- Rasmi Pandey
Editor- DJ
Title Animation- Vijay Bashyal
Cinematography- Khyam Thapa Magar, Saroj Bhujel, Binaya Thapa
Music- Binod Bhujel
Post Production- Jibansathi Films
Production- NK TV
Studio- Royal Shooting Studio
Publicity- Kamal Thapa, Kamal Shahi, Sewan Pokharel
Acknowledgement- Jiwan Parajuli, Abhimanyu Nirabi, Narad Bastola.

Exclusive: Watch the LIVE ENCOUNTER of man-eat*ng tiger

Exclusive: Watch the LIVE ENCOUNTER of man-eating tigress. The tiger is the largest cat species, most recognisable for their pattern of dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur with a lighter underside.
Believing that news is for everyone and all the people have an equal right to receive true and factual information at anytime, anywhere.We are a team of dedicated, vibrant, professional, experienced and energetic people putting our efforts to set new dawn in the field of online journalism. We aim to bring the reality accessible for all and bring the people together for social, economical and political transformation. We are also committed to bring the news instantly when it crops out. We also evaluate and provide comprehensive reporting and commentary on the politics, business, culture, travel, fashion, sports and education of Nepal in an attractive and elegant manner. Our online site is a medium to unite the Nepalese people residing in every nook and corner of the world.

Health Minister Gagan Thapa

Department of Drug Administration under the Ministry of Health and Population will soon carry out field inspection of drug stores and pharmacies in major four cities Kathmandu, Pokhara, Nepalgunj and Biratnagar in the first phase.The department will update the number of clinics, pharmacies and drug stores.The date of manufacture and expiry, price and place of storage of drugs, among others, would be checked during the inspection. It is believed that a large number of clinics are running illegally without registering themselves with the concerned offices.Health Minister Gagan Thapa today visited the department at Bijuli Bazaar and directed the officials to carry out the inspection of all drug stores, including Ayurvedic clinics, and said that the current Drug Act would be amended to facilitate monitoring of drug stores.He directed the DoI officials to continue inspection as a campaign.

Director General of the DoI Narayan Dhakal told Minister Thapa that the department had failed make field inspection visits due to shortage of manpower.He, however, assured the minister that the department would do its best to check anomalies in the drug market.A version of this article appears in print on October 18, 2016 of The Himalayan Times.

Nepali short movie-Refuse abuse

Male violence against women is a serious issue in our homes, communities and workplaces, yet there is still a lack of acknowledgment and ownership of this crime. The subject is still very much taboo and although the severity of it in this province is alarming, to say the least, it is still very much a silent issue.

Government?s response to violence in the province is the Violence Prevention Initiative. This six-year, 12-million dollar strategy is ensuring that we have the tools to help communities and agencies work towards the elimination of violence.

The implementation of violence prevention public awareness and education campaigns is a priority of the Violence Prevention Initiative and through this it is our goal to increase awareness and attitudinal change in order to prevent violence against those most at risk in our society.

We are about halfway through this strategy and have already introduced campaigns to prevent violence against youth, children, and older adults. This campaign to prevent male violence against women, including our website, a tv ad, print ads, and posters, is the fourth in our series.

Violence is rooted in inequality and takes many forms. Beyond the physical, women in our province experience sexual, emotional, psychological, spiritual and cultural violence as well as verbal and financial abuse and neglect. All forms of violence against women are wrong. And all can be equally as damaging.

Treating women equally, and with fairness and respect, will go a long way to prevent any of these types of violence.

As you can see from the links, visitors will find information on the forms of male violence against women, where to get help, warning signs, how to prevent it and much more.

This site will be useful to men in the general public, women who may be victims of violence, youth, community and government workers, students, and anyone interested in preventing male violence against women.

We will continue to build on this site as new information and research becomes available.

Royal Enfield Mind Boggling DANGEROUS THEFTS Compilation

Motorcycles are considered to be highly steal-able objects. If they have any security systems at all, the technology is usually less sophisticated than in cars. Motorcycle ignitions are easily punched, and the presence of exposed wires makes hotwiring simple. Most of all, however, bikes are small. A few men can easily lift a sport bike into the back of a minivan, making a covert escape easy. Once the theft has taken place, criminals can take their time disabling the steering and ignition locks. How Royal Enfield thefts took place in different states of India can be seen in this video and ways are also suggested with which you may enhance the safety of your bike.
Royal Enfield bikes see lower theft rates, largely due to their weight and bulkiness. Also, the value in a cruiser is closely related to its style and – unlike street bikes – the totality is worth much more than the sum of its parts. This makes cruisers less appealing to thieves, as their components won’t fetch the highest prices. However, criminals have been known to re-stamp VIN numbers and obtain false titles, which allows them to sell stolen bikes as legitimately purchased vehicles. As a result of this, cruiser theft can also be lucrative. Of all cruisers, Harley-Davidsons are the most frequently stolen.A must watch video for all bulleteers.

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal and first lady

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said his informal meet together with the Chinese President and the Indian Prime Minister in course of the BRICS-BIMSTEC Outreach Summit was a pleasant happenstance.During a press briefing at Tribhuvan International Airport following his return from India after participating in the outreach summit, Prime Minister Dahal, on Monday, said he was at the waiting room after the formal meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Later the Chinese President appeared in the waiting room and he was followed by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi after a while. It was a mere coincidence. Informal, open- ‘one-on-one’ talks were underway with Chinese President when Indian PM Narendra Modi entered the room.

Talk with CP Mainali

Believing that news is for everyone and all the people have an equal right to receive true and factual information at anytime, anywhere.We are a team of dedicated, vibrant, professional, experienced and energetic people putting our efforts to set new dawn in the field of online journalism. We aim to bring the reality accessible for all and bring the people together for social, economical and political transformation. We are also committed to bring the news instantly when it crops out. We also evaluate and provide comprehensive reporting and commentary on the politics, business, culture, travel, fashion, sports and education of Nepal in an attractive and elegant manner. Our online site is a medium to unite the Nepalese people residing in every nook and corner of the world.He has made contributions to Nepal too.

Most Amazing Wild Animal Attacks

The word “animal” comes from the Latin animalis, meaning having breath, having soul or living being. In everyday non-scientific usage the word excludes humans – that is, “animal” is often used to refer only to non-human members of the kingdom Animalia; often, only closer relatives of humans such as mammals and other vertebrates, are meant. The biological definition of the word refers to all members of the kingdom Animalia, encompassing creatures as diverse as sponges, jellyfish, insects, and humans.They have one of the most powerful bite forces on the planet. Instead, Mazzotti says you should fight for your life by hitting it and struggle to keep on your feet. Gators want an easy meal, not a struggle, so make things as difficult as possible for them. Go for their eyes and smack their snout. An alligator will bite then release to readjust its hold a few times during an attack, and that’s your best chance to pull free and get away.

BMW Motorrad VISION NEXT 100 – Bike of the Future

The BMW Motorrad Vision Next 100 concept motorcycle is unveiled on the last of four international stops of the Iconic Impulses event, recognising 100 years of BMW. Picture: David McnewSource:AFPThe German automaker unveiled Tuesday its Motorrad Vision Next 100, a sleek, self-balancing prototype the company released as part of its 100th anniversary celebrations.The zero-emissions bike has self-balancing wheels designed to stand upright even at a complete stop, stability that the company says will allow riders to forgo riding a helmet.“Its self-balancing system will help protect the rider at any time,” said Edgar Heinrich, the design director of BMW’s motorcycle division. “Any late reaction from the driver will trigger and the vehicle will balance out.“In the future, motorcycle riders will be able to enjoy riding without protective gear.”
The BMW Motorrad Vision Next 100 concept motorcycle is unveiled on the last of four international stops of the Iconic Impulses event, recognising 100 years of BMW. Picture: David McnewMembers of the press gawk at the impressive looking bike. Picture: David McnewMembers of the press gawk at the impressive looking bike. Picture: David McnewSource:AFPThe world’s top maker of luxury vehicles has also premiered this year a futuristic BMW sports car with a flexible body, as well as a self-driving Rolls-Royce and an electric Mini model.
Company representatives said that riding without a helmet remains a fantasy for now, though.Many countries mandate the protective gear and self-balancing technology is still in the developmental stage — if the latest concept vehicle becomes a reality, it likely won’t be before 2030.Despite its contemporary features the bike will not be fully autonomous, the company said.

A su*cide bomb att*@ck in Baghdad k!ll3d 30 people, 60 injur3d

Agency. A su!c!de b0mb att@ck in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad has kill3d 30 people. More than 60 people have been injur3d propheta Mohammed, grandson Hussein taking part in the meeting to pay tribute to Shiite religious people targeted by the disaster in the expl0si0n. No one has claimed responsibility for the expl0sin.

Floor after reform tukraera latter wished product?

Floor after reform tukraera latter wished product?

How to separate us from our soil, our teaching, and the country becomes a lie |

Mountain 40% and 20% of land in Terai is bamjo |

Homes JJ learned is the same continued in any country becomes, but the teaching of the country banaudaina, that through all the school college must be locked, saying the larger question of well-known krsibijna Madan Rai, is most important part of your conversation 2 all listen to the, We feel Madan Rai, only rose he recited the story, but the story clearly comes within our country Koshish "102 years ago, Nepal Nepal where kyabata miss? Nepal 102 years ago, Rs 4 million worth of 25 million records sold is the same India

Minister to meet the desire, she met a week after his evening the royal mantrile.

Kathmandu. Gagan Thapa, Minister for Health will meet in the last letter has been publicly named, di!ed on Wednesday evening detained. She was cremated on Wednesday Marilyn di!ed Wednesday in Jumla local Mahendra Hamal said. After Marilyn's letter public on the same 11 thiekyansara Minister Thapa went to meet him in his apartment, he suffered from diseases and other maladies concerning the treatment of patients in hospitals by writing to the Minister and she knew the public. The meeting was also Thapa and sahibica some dialogue. In the midst of many maladies visiting Minister and she knew that he muskaraerai. Between the pain and the pain had set an act of muskuraerai muskaraeki Marilyn cried last breath. His heartfelt sympathy sthaniyaharule whole Karnali said. Local Karnali Jumla Jumla and several civilians who were Marilyn's funeral.

This is an astonishing news about Cow.

This is an astonishing video about Cow. Now and then stunning things happened and they are recorded in the Guinness World Record. The same occurrence is found in the place of Ashkay NV Balakrishna Nambukudy. He recounts the narrative of an unordinary dairy animals which he raised when the cow was little. From that point he began to raise the dairy animals with exceptional consideration. Presently the bovine is six years of age. He saw that the littlest bovine in the site was only 69.5 cm in stature and he quantified his dairy animals and it is just 61.5 cm. tall. The family saw that the bovine is additional conventional short thus the family begun to mind the cow. For more detail

What a wonderful fun of him just after his disch@arged are placed sahayogi know today Yuba yubati

Absent a day or two faiths, even when the office an average of 38 days a year without a salary you're doing free work posits that no one understands. If not, you yourselves also know that.Real Madrid and Spain player of Real Madrid Fan iskole Messi has claimed that his birth. But, here in Barcelona's star player Messi but his pet dog.
ISCO magazine anger when his other dog junior and pro kicker also in Madrid that was asked. In response, he said, "always full. And, even Messi, he inherited his. 'Absent a day or two faiths, even when the office an average of 38 days a year without a salary you're doing free work posits that no one understands. If not, you yourselves also know that.Real Madrid and Spain player of Real Madrid Fan iskole Messi has claimed that his birth. But, here in Barcelona's star player Messi but his pet dog.
ISCO magazine anger when his other dog junior and pro kicker also in Madrid that was asked. In response, he said, "always full. And, even Messi, he inherited his. 'Absent a day or two faiths, even when the office an average of 38 days a year without a salary you're doing free work posits that no one understands. If not, you yourselves also know that.Real Madrid and Spain player of Real Madrid Fan iskole Messi has claimed that his birth. But, here in Barcelona's star player Messi but his pet dog.
ISCO magazine anger when his other dog junior and pro kicker also in Madrid that was asked. In response, he said, "always full. And, even Messi, he inherited his. 'Absent a day or two faiths, even when the office an average of 38 days a year without a salary you're doing free work posits that no one understands. If not, you yourselves also know that.Real Madrid and Spain player of Real Madrid Fan iskole Messi has claimed that his birth. But, here in Barcelona's star player Messi but his pet dog.
ISCO magazine anger when his other dog junior and pro kicker also in Madrid that was asked. In response, he said, "always full. And, even Messi, he inherited his. '

The commando who the enmy alive snak is 2 minutes jiudai Khan

English rat called vart. Ejapibhi a kind of virus that cause the skin of the mouse was born. There are different types of warts. Rub the medicine and medicine be removed from the end if the rats to go a little festive. Except this treatment method, cisyaune, electric treatment, laser or operating tarikavdara also be removed from rats.
When the body has just rat rat snack directly from SunTrust skin can be harder. This is likely to be removed if the rat. Another idea: to create vitamin Xi dust innings as panisanga fully pastes from rat rub the skin if it is likely to withdraw from Musa. Any medical advice, but, according to ramrohuncha upayavdara rats hataunda.English rat called vart. Ejapibhi a kind of virus that cause the skin of the mouse was born. There are different types of warts. Rub the medicine and medicine be removed from the end if the rats to go a little festive. Except this treatment method, cisyaune, electric treatment, laser or operating tarikavdara also be removed from rats.
When the body has just rat rat snack directly from SunTrust skin can be harder. This is likely to be removed if the rat. Another idea: to create vitamin Xi dust innings as panisanga fully pastes from rat rub the skin if it is likely to withdraw from Musa. Any medical advice, but, according to ramrohuncha upayavdara rats hataunda.

Plump panda does sit-ups

The video shows the moment when a Panda is being health conscious. The
cute animal is being so conscious about its physiques that it has
started doing sit ups to keep it fit. The animal is usually known for
its cuteness and this time it has decided to grab the attention of the
people by doing this strange act. It is this quirk that makes pandas
particularly vulnerable to destruction of habitat and extinction in the
As a result of their diet pandas can sleep for up to 16 hours each day,
in bursts of two to four hours at a time. This means they extract only a
very small amount of energy from the bamboo, and must eat huge
quantities of it each day just to survive. The cute act f the Panda was
spotted in a Chinese Zoo. The people who saw this were very amazed and
they were laughing and were surprised too to see this amazing act of the

These animals are also known for their heavy diet. It is said that they
extract only a very small amount of energy from the bamboo and must eat
huge quantities of it each day to survive. According to the World
Wildlife Fund, a single bear must eat between 12 and 38kg of bamboo
every single day to meet its energy needs.

These are the animas who loves doing crazy stuff and make people happy.
Normally they are animal and they don’t have sense. They can’t
discriminate between good and bad and right or wrong. They just do
whatever they feel like. These are very deadly animals and whenever they
feel mad they just lose their control and they are in terrific form.

Upload photos on Facebook after her husband was k*lled in Malaysia, saying ...


athmandu / five years ago, said her husband's photo on Facebook came to death at hearing that the Goma Thapa of Sunsari Prakashpur -8 jhaskinubhayo Karki. Jethajuki daughter's report clearly not be right that he looked jethanisamgai Facebook photo. But the name is from a different husband for photo. The photo was a real person's name on Facebook Roshan Pandey. Flower citizenship Goma despite her husband's given name was lighted. "But the last name is the name and photo do not match got 'gomaki sister says Kamala. Photo Jiabao argued for miscommunication in Malaysia to understand the man also put on about. Understanding the person is saying that he Roshan Pandey has said that the West home. The Nepalgunj floral family is still uncertainty. When the flower is dead because that is when the news knew that there are jyumdai.

Before the sentence was lost Shddhanta now planning to return home. Malaysia last 8 months, fearful of returning home to Goma illegal seated husband was happy. On 22 December 2062, a company her husband flew to Malaysia to work in Goma, but also difficult to work and earn as thought and not said. Therefore, the company is working ungodly.

Then he started working illegally. "The company left after phone illegal garirahanuhunthyo 'puspaki rider Caterpillar Katwal said' to tell all good." The company Shddhanta he fled the forest near the sand mining, Dodger, and was said to carry a tractor. Hunting salary expenses garnuhunnathyo soon arrived on the neighboring Ashok Rai. A loss of time, I would go home earned money, he said, was given to 50 thousand rupees Ashok Rai.

He had been almost 5 years old. So he was told to return soon asokasamga Shddhanta. But the money and the goods did not call after Shddhanta. Flower of contact information after the obvious home country. Nepalgunj nervous, floral family, saying we do not need a search for him urged him money. Ashok family's urging 6/7 hours away from his work also reached the Shddhanta workplace. But there was not killed by a smug floral killed himself did not know the answer to the spurned said.

Ashok warrant return home for some time. But Jason did not flower for the family. Some friends said the news of floral killed obvious to say that nobody could say is that saying to disclose returned to find. "I go there, but I could not go there saying mariekale tamilaharusamga when fighting back the 20 thousand rupees" said miscommunication "The skeptical of believing. Is not a basis to believe. 'Aphumle understanding of the party to go home, saying there Shddhanta work tamilaharusamga fight, and beat to death at work there, said a Nepali Udaipur. But neither killed nor any evidence of Las. So, not only flower in the family of Mrs Goma, whether they believe his death is difficult.

Flower, her husband was in Malaysia. He was adorned floral work and fled in the company. So whom had younger family floral caused understand. Flower said her husband of almost mariekai understand at first lab said. But to understand that almost is dead, understand that jyumdai was uncertain whether a family. Therefore, to understand the time and tried to call her husband by phone 6 months off. Her husband had to work puspasamgai Udaipur Chowdhury Tharka person is Mrs Goma trucks reached their home. Chaudhary said after the first flower is killed is not evidence to say how Mario began.

But sunasarikai Milan Karki, listening to the family is not in doubt. Malaysia grows old he met a friend after they flower floral jyumdai friends brought the news. "I met tamilaharule floral jyumdai but not tell anyone that is told 'miscommunication and said' I abetting illegal is the same place as I have said Ray laginudinu work, but they did not say tamilale." Then the family added more confusion. So far the family of the deceased has not.

Her mother committed suic*e autistic son

Flower lost her mother reported the Chechens situation changed gradually. He was as discordant. "When the flower called the name Roshan walked away saying 'says Kamala. And seek to understand all the rains in place when the son found his mother's concern was added. Jvainle still in Malaysia and almost died like that after incomplete information so he could never see and speak to hope to return when the son was saying runuhunthyo subtle. Tyahibicama he married another son has done. She is the mother of the family after marrying his son to marry until her son that the son of the hazy inhabitants buharisamga buharisamga alive. In this context, he also did narahama Ham committed suic*de. The online light

कुनै पनि सडक दुर्घटना आफ्नो गल्तीले मात्र हुदैन अरु कसैको गल्तीले गर्दा अकालमा नै यसरि पनि ज्यान जाने रहेछ | भनिन्छ मान्छेको मृत्यु कतिबेला र कहाँ हुन्छ थाहा हुदैन हो त्यस्तै यस भिडियोमा भएको छ | कल्पना नगरेको ठाउँमा नै यसरि मान्छेले अकालमा ज्यान गुमाउनु पर्यो | भिडियो हेर्नुहोस

Nepali short Movie gash bhanda thash badi Watch video

FC purchasing 3,000 Himalayan goats for Dashain

Nepal Food Corporation (NFC) has chosen to buy 3,000 goats and Himalayan goats for the supply of meat in Kathmandu Valley for Dashain celebration.

Data Officer at the NFC, Pawan Kumar Karki, said that the NFC would purchase 1,500 goats and 1,500 Himalayan goats.

Karki said that 600 goats would be acquired through Lahan-based Zonal Office of the NFC, while 200 through Tulsipur-based Zonal Office, 150 through Nepalgunj-based Zonal Office and 550 through Birgunj branch office.

Also, the NFC would buy 1,500 Himalayan goats from its Mustang branch office. It has apportioned Rs 46.7 million to buy the goats and Himalayan goats.

Karki further said that the goats would be conveyed to Kathmandu two days before the Ghatasthapana. The last cost of goats would be resolved in the wake of lessening transport cost

Nepal fails to sustain journalism and later into America prominent journalists love jai self-run, including the Bania >>> {Video}

Kathmandu. Nepal Television brought forward pass yourself about nationality as crisp as presenter journalist timro love Baniya of Nepal have leftNo news within the news from time and established himself suddenly Dhakal 1 patrakaritama active decade-long television he had a family out of America.

Now he rarely appear on television are not Nepali. Baniya News Power News 24 television and surfing the Jai self-titled program had come.

He Jai great pride unbreakable love of the country were discussed. But leave the country the same way as are all accammita. Nepal's political leaders himself, disposable clothing and a loud anti-American haninulai strange badge itself was seen as a malevolent Dhakal.

The last time the name of Nepal kahalieka young journalists have not been able to stand the profession a long time. Media operators to earn and even the salary of employees from several examples of subtle exists in Nepal Television.

Love held in the US go to such a wonder that it is not Bania. But others who normally presented as a trip to the US stood Gyamdan view is worth the same.

Harke Haldar – 28 September 2016

Harke Haldar comedy is a comedy serial in kantipur Television.Bishnu Sapkota played on double role as Harke and Retired Haldar or Laure Ba, Roshani Sapkota Pate or Batuli, Shiwahari bairagi on double role as Jhamke Ba, Anita Karki Pyatta, Saru Dahal Deuti, Indra Dong Lama Khambe , Jayananda Lama Gyalmo Laure , Surendra KC Gope Mama , Reshma KC and Lakshman Chaunlagai etc are the main characters of this serial .In this eposide laure ba flriting .He create new idea to earning money . Harke and sukumya support kode . laure ba think that until marry of her daughter he put his son kode at batuli house . And in another side soltini of khambe came their and they introduce each other . this time sukumaya also came and talk to khambe . Sukumaya talk about sambidan . Nakabandi and jhamke went batuli house . Harke and sukumaya chitchat about kode . In this Harke Haldar comedy diffrent characters are there.  

Fire at Sabji Mandi Dharan Bhanu Chowk

Retired government employees, particularly of the higher ranks, are re-appointed at different government entities and also as consultants by different government-run projects. The double facilities they enjoy in the form of their pensions and their new remunerations are now being questioned.

According to estimates, such retired civil servants take home a total of approximate Rs 400 million annually in addition to their regular pensions. A few of them have foregone their pensions, citing ethical issues.

There are over 1,000 such retired civil servants and all but a few of them have been enjoying the dual benefit– pensions and salaries as consultants — because there are no clear legal provisions that would be applicable. It has been over a decade since this issue came to the fore. The bureaucracts themselves are not keen to take it up as they too might be contemplating taking advantage of such revolving door arrangements once they retire, a government source claimed.

Guleli 2 – Nepali Comedy video

This is new comedy clip on ‘No Tension’ Nepali Comedy Clip series directed by Gyanendra Koirala. All the clips on this series are produced by tvNEPALI. ‘No Tension’ is the collection of new Nepali comedy video where Gyanendra Koirala presents the events, social issues and human behaviour in a funny way. ‘No Tension’ is the status of mind where one generalise own tension and pressure to other and become relief from such kind of pressures. The world is changing day by day. Everyone on the planet is busy to survive in this changing time. So people are getting more and more individualistic and forgot to laugh. We make people to laugh from heart. Some of the video have political satire, but our intention is not to hurt anybody. We want to spread ideas in a funny way and we believe in creative criticism of activities and subject. If we make comedy of anybody like celebrities or political person or players or actors, we focus on subject matter not on individual. So we request all our audience to have fun and take all our videos as a entertainment. We say sorry for any inconvenience made by our videos and stories. Please do not forget to like, comment and share our videos. Uploading and reproduction of our videos are strictly prohibited.

Is returning home from abroad? How many phones are found to take? Keep known |

Kathmandu / the great festival of Dashain and Tiharama passengers to return home from abroad is increasing from day to day stress rojagarika workers have gone abroad for higher education, and family members came to Nepal, visit the janeharule and sathibhaiharulai gift to bring a growing trend. Consumers who come from abroad to relatives and friends of Nepal brother bhakharai public, and to offer them hot brand new mobile gift. Family members and friends are urged those with four to five such mobile Nepal did so with reverence. Even if some business with the goal to bring mobile.

However, they do not know what the laws of customs of Nepal Nepal's Tribhuvan International Airport is the only international customs after arriving in the cell must be in trouble. Not Ken, of purchase abroad are compelled to pay more than the price at customs. Jhiti gang related Act if the foreign law pharkaneharulai had used only to bring a set allows for mobile. Abroad, seeing it, except he had used a new set of old mobile set without nil to bring the airport to the Customs Department yogeenda Kumar Gauchan information.

Besides, as regards some of the behavioral who come from abroad on the basis of the customs value of the mobile set of cost nil and penalties, he said. 'Foreign Nepal to return to the traveler 20 thousand mobile set duties to suvidhabhanda more comes up 40 per cent customs fees and 40 percent of the fines by 80 percent Explain need to', industries here, "but asobhavika as a business to lift the mobile lyaunaharuko mobile freezing the action is. '

Narendra Modi has thr*atened to throw a bomb!, Security on high alert -

Agency, 12 October. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday when a bomb shoot Kozhikode in Kerala has threa/ened to disclose. Last 24 September, Modi has thre*tened to throw a bomb to him Kozhikode, visit niskida Bharatiya Janata Party national council meeting that reveals.

According to police sources, the information nadakkavu High Council in prison by an unknown person phone conversation bo*b phyakne is an open secret. It is com*itted to finding out his secret khulesamgai Indian police.

Modi has said police maintain security in 7 suspects madhayamale Indian media said security measures. 3 miles round trip when going Modi Meanwhile, police security alert and activity was closely watching.

Internet search giant Google

Agency, the Internet search giant Google's most searched king 'Namak Haraam country' southern neighbor that tried to come to the country name India is an open secret. Indian citizens this word ( 'Namak Haraam country') Google tried to put the views of India.

Some sad and disappointed that his large Google have become Indian citizens who have a consuming fire. But it is true that some idiots saying acocakaharulai have praised.

According to them, in 1 9 73 in a Hindi film was made. The film was placed in the same name Namak Haraam. The same film, Amitabh Bachchan, Rajesh Khanna had worked together. That's India's name on Google trying to come into this film has.

It should be proud of the Indian citizens but also their anger and nisasa Ook sorts acolakaharuko said. If you go to Google to suspect 'Mughal-e-Azam' just enough typing. Google will tell you that all of the flag of India can be seen. This is what is happening with the social network Twitter, the viral.

Similarly, the Google Toolbar for God 'is typed, Pakistan flag. Because this name came from Pakistan using a viddhanale tebhi serial karyakarama.

But when the last Sunday in September 18 urima the deadly attack in Jammu and Kashmir, Indian troops killed 18 of them. The Army has strengthened border protection and promoted. That's why these two countries took the two words most searched subject of hot and janiphakaraharuko said.

Pratikshya Bhujel from Pokhara

Lately we have been hearing lots of missing case of Nepalese girl, not only they are missing later on they are found d*e@d, mu*rder or being r*@ped.

(video: Samacharpati Dot Com)
This case is not ending, everyday the new cases are coming. Here in this video too we can hear a new missing story about a 19 years old girl Pratikshya Bhujel who is from Pokhara.

She used to work on a lab and that was a day when the blood donation program was happening and after the program she along with her friends entered to the café and than she came out telling that she will come doing the recharge on her phone. After that she didn’t came for long time and friends found the watch, gold chain on her bag and than they were scared and investigation started.

It was told that she was in love with one of the boy, they were deeply in love with each other and she used to go and come home along with him and even her family didn’t object this but since many days she found that her boyfriend was having affair with another girl and that girl was warning her too, the boy is taken under the cu$tody and the other investigation is still on the way.

other and she used to go and come home along with him and even her family didn’t object this but since many days she found that her boyfriend was having affair with another girl and that girl was warning her too, the boy is taken under the custody and the other investigation is still on the way.-

A $!nkhole on the Road

We all know that the vehicle can be ride only on the good roads. If there is problem on the road automatically the problem will be occurred to the vehicles. In this video you can see a running car on the road where the road has a sink hole. Firstly the sink hole is seen like a trap but later it became the h*ge one. It seems like the landslide on the road. People could have d!ed there but fortunately they all were saved. - 

Haitians eat dirt cookies to survive

We often tend to throw away the food that is in our kitchen only because it is going slightly b@d or because we do not like it.

We can whatever we want and we try to throw away the things that we hate.But what we do not realize is that some people do not even have proper food to eat.

People living in Haiti are very poor and they do not have anything to eat. So, to get rid of the hunger, the people eat cookies that are made out of dirt. The people living there make it themselves and it is also a kind of a business as people make the dirt cookies for themselves to eat and also top sell and earn some extra money.

The dirt cookies do not taste good or are garnished with any kind of spice and salt. According to reports they eat it only because it gets rid of their hunger. This is a very sad situation but it is the bitter truth of people living in Haiti.

Musharraf war*ed the United States to India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bhutan as incredible

Agency, September 12. Pakistan's former President Pervez musarraphale Pakistan, India, Bhutan and Nepal which warned of oneself. Indian television channel in the United States living musarraphale 'ajatakasamga talking through India turns himself accused tries to egg situation.

"Pakistan, India, Bhutan and Nepal which considers mistakes himself, Pakistan is a strong country," he said. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has also claimed a double standard-leader. "Narendra Modi are specializes in double attitude to adopt, when he arrives at the Pakistani prime minister's birthday secretly Pakistan, when Pakistan became known to the world are the main stakeholders. '

India is the largest country in South Asia were also musarraphale his heart did little to comment on. He refused to oversee the drafting of India to resolve the issue. "India's former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Manmohan Singh was genuinely resolve the issue, efforts were being made, but India was genuinely resolve the issue does not want to," he said, "India is an illusion at hand, this time in Pakistan in full force with India prepared to answer is, he had the courage in Pakistan atta*ed by it showed. "

Military power of India vs Pakistan

Total casualties, including those injured, could be as high as 200, sources said.

Military sources revealed to The Quint, which confirmed this information from two other independent sources, that the operation happened during the intervening hours of 20 September and 21 September.

Indications that the Indian Special Forces struck across LoC came in the form of Pakistan declaring a no-fly zone over PoK on 20 September night.

Pakistan’s national flag carrier, Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), had cancelled flights to northern Pakistani cities, including to Gilgit and Skardu in PoK, due to “airspace restrictions”.

PIA called off flights to Gilgit and Skardu in Gilgit-Baltistan region in PoK and Chitral in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province.

PIA spokesperson Danyal Gilani had tweeted this information late Tuesday evening.- 

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