Foreign workers employment discrimination and is multistory

11:59:00 PM

KATHMANDU, June 18. Foreign Employment Department of Labor approved with isuva Safi to leave the house safely Dhanusha navakhora parsai-2. He also agreed Tickets are leaving the ship queue.
32-year-old Safi Kathmandu to return home to meet with the 'Knight Bus' to buy tickets. Capital napharkindai sudden fever cyapcha him home. CEOs News is published by Kantipur.
Patna Darbhanga family for the treatment, but the hospital less than daudaumchan is their demise. Family dream is shattered.
According to the Foreign Employment Act 064 approval preexistence labor and insurance and welfare fund of money by dying. That means workers will provide disaster-disaster, death, disability, illness or family financial support of the workers themselves, the Fund issuing an additional economic burden that the government does not suffer.
Safi family found the insurance company the insurance money, but money is also a welfare fund did not. While labor approved by dying when he was 1 Rs. Similarly, when the same problem, which would help gather workers.
Foreign Employment Promotion Board sancalina The Fund now more than Rs 3 billion 40 million has been deposited. Sometimes, Minister for the rights of the workers, MPs, employees abroad, have been looking abroad. However, the death of the country for foreign workers who have died in the family own fund family, financial aid workers have not received.
If his work permit taken destination (queue) on the death of a family that had received funds of Rs 3 lakh. However, when it goes left. Elsewhere, except in approved destination for labor of the workers died (like home) would not allow the board saying that the Act is intended not given financial assistance.
"VDC, police, district administration, all the documents making the board endeavor, but the country marekale amount that none phakaidie, 'isuva Safi brother inusale proposition grief tents question of,' board amount would get phone we had said, but a year was called the assembly, labor Why not get the amount approved by the country marnele? "The first two times to go back 7 years, Qatar has worked isuvale 071 were taken on August 2 Labour approval. He died eight days later, on August 10 on labor approval was taken.
A year and a half and 12 years his two sons, 8-year-old daughter, wife, tends to have. "Once we returned to Kathmandu to go, but do not spend Rs 8/10," said inusale, the Board twice a day can not be chosen, but pointed out unexpectedly returned to kill. '
He was not only labor approval, renewal or vaidhanikikarana (regardless of the way he went abroad after permission from the labor provision) had also died in the country, except in the destination board workers have not received financial assistance.
The UAE went to work deubahadura Baitadi Thori 1 Parsa, 34, returned home sick and 8 months. But the family was not able to save the hospital for treatment. Attending the amount of financial support for the family could not find the board.
"Time and again, when the board pointed out that the decision does not go now, I beg you," Kunwar said Thakuri surajasinha Sala, "and found that the decision until now to go? '
This fiscal year the board are only 25 such requests. And one of the acute 8, earthquake, death of planting 072 Syangja thagaprasada Gurung is requested. Gurung died on November 6, taken on the labor Approval 070 has two-year contract period. His family is deprived of financial assistance. According to some of the family of the deceased employee of the Board that the Board shall confirm the lack of money have to return without Darchula RSS.
"We are the victims are our fault and said the deceased worker family to return to have," Board staff Selma, Sharma said, "Labor approval aligned Day deaths occurred even came, but any amount was not suitable for tents. The board, according to the fiscal year, foreign while employment of foreign workers, family death more than Rs 24 crore 21 lakh has been distributed financial assistance. The Board first established in 065 dead and 071 million since September 30 family of the deceased has been giving financial assistance of Rs 3 lakh. Now they also offer Rs 5 lakh has not approved.
Foreign Employment Act say?
'Foreign Employment Welfare Fund to be used and operated' about the Act Article 33 Section 1 of the 'D' take is that, 'migrant workers abroad, state worker died alternate body stranded fairy Nepal to bring himself and his family to provide financial support. "To this end, the base making the board work permits of domestic workers have died in the family is not given financial assistance. During the board meeting of a certain amount (10 thousand or more) also decided to give financial support when a policy decision not received all the money. 'Policy decision when the country who have died in the family financial assistance has not, "Board Executive Director Raghuraj said, adding that" we contract period, even after at least 3 months grace period upon operate any case, where the death of the financial support that they should have proposed.'
Article 82 in the barrier adau sentences, rights, which states, "The objective of the Act to implement any difficulty arises in the Government of Nepal removing obstacles to unravel the Nepal Gazette notification published in issue necessary orders to be able to." The Act of 9 years old, also this barrier is intact, it and the Council of Ministers of Labour and employment Ministry is still not loose.

Secretary, Ministry of Labour (law) Arjun Nath Khanal Foreign Employment Act and Regulations, which aim to help the families of migrant deaths were also not saying whether he died in the act of domestic workers, language shifts, said the family was unable to find. "The families also receive a petition before removing phukaepachi," Khanal said the Post, "Ministry of Law has yet to agree, we will bring it to the Council of Ministers will send, receive once they are approved. '

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