Nepal Nepali scientist large STRIKE now petrol production
12:22:00 AM
Kathmandu, May 2 9. The last time the development of science and technology in Nepal rapid pace of scientific research to win result has been a success.
Encourage investment in technology and a strong example of that would kill the new technology is poised to Nepal Nepal science and technology academy (NAST) has been characterized by. The biological technology of explanation spectacular leap approximately wasted plastic waste materials to produce petroleum products is a new technology invented.
The success of the last land Nast growing shortage of fuel and plastic waste management and control of environmental pollution, is expected to significantly contribute. A long time, scientific research and testing of new oil production technology of plastic of explanation is going to start.
NAST campaign on oil from plastic senior scientist, Dr. Rabindra Prasad Dhakal biological technology, new technology in future milestone of explanation would have fished. Plastic petrol, diesel and kerosene is brought into Japan for the test device can.
One kg of plastic, a Limited Oil
According to scientists a kilogram of plastic can be extracted from one liter of petroleum. Out of plastic mixed with oil, 30 percent and 70 percent of other petrol quality standards and will be transformed into oil. This technology is now out of the oil directly to the bus, truck, tractor, such as vehicles can be used.
The new format for the type of vehicle, some need to mix. 45 countries, including Japan, Asia and Europe are using technology to extract oil plastic. India, China and Japan have been doing such technology equipment sales.
The technology has the objective of explanation fuel production equipment, has launched China. The price of around Rs 36 million, according to the device of explanation, Birgunj arrived. Scientific work will start after the device anusandhanasamgai oil production, said Dhakal.
The three-month test period of explanation research and production of petroleum products 15 LTD Dhakal informed that the technology control environment pollution and increasing fuel supply would be met.
Quake-affected districts, including the content of explanation than the tent of plastic material by giving priority to those areas as oil production is said to be. During reconstruction of plastic waste and garbage, so it will increase oil production sadupayogasamgai the goalie failed to quake-affected districts scientific Dhakal said.
More than thirty million grams of plastic consumption
According to a report from the Asian Development baimmkako a nepaliabata per capita amount of plastic waste per day is 120 grams. That way, two million to 80 million people daily consumption of 33 million 60 thousand grams of plastic has.
The technology to be used in everyday products out of two thousand three hundred kl. When I look back eight million annual production is 58 thousand 480 kiloliter.
According to statistics, 13 million kiloliter of Nepal Oil Corporation Annual consumption of petroleum products. The technology partnership to move forward in the future nagarapalikasamga Nast is planning. It had been used and kheragairaheka plastic can be used, the new plastic usage.
A time period of one hour of explanation now, in future devices, 10 kg of plastic oil can be extracted from sweet 10 LTD. Including the promotion of research, the technology is heading towards five scientists are trying to Dhakal.
Prof Dr Pokharel current fiscal plastic waste oil to the invention to change the technology of explanation of scientific success, saying it indicates the development of the country and to promote further research this technology illustrates the plan.
Japan, a non-governmental organization with the support of the party of explanation Eco biological technology based plastics technology to start oil production in Nepal to promote movement itself was broken. The first phase was brought to Japan a month in different parts of the country took Device jadanayukta truck oil from plastic technology were performed.
A year ago, the technique of explanation Eco Party bhitryaunebare bilateral agreement was signed. Japan's technical and material assistance tyasaanurupa first phase of its promotional campaign in Nepal has expired. RSS