Another Congress leader also indicated the OLI government nadhalne

12:52:00 AM

He ascended to the constitution, the government has said that the implementation of the questions concern the first Congress. Speaking at a press conference organized by Press Union Chitwan leader Poudel stable government for a long time could not be implemented due to the constitution now form a stable government said Congress should insist on.
He is not saying that if you go to the government to implement the constitution, parliament is to be nkanuna, NC is the Parliament, there sat the implementation of the law making the constitution will hear. "
He KP Oli-led government remains that there is nothing that has been said, among the government, said, "Seeing that Congress is not removed and the things that stay, as long as it remains in harmony until ghatakama KP Oli-led government."
NC leader Poudel said the local election in favor of, "mentioned in the Constitution by the local elections, local elections off the construction."

Earlier, the government leader Sujata Koirala, Oli was told to give the opportunity to work .-

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