New Indian Ki$$ing prank video

8:33:00 AM

vKi$$ing prank videos are very common kind of prank videos on the internet. Just typing in the world will lead of thousands of ki$$ing prank videos where basically a man goes up to bunch of girls and do tricks on them. Some do magic tricks, some impress them and some use common tricks to get a ki$$.
Among the videos a very common things is that they are mostly of western countries. The people ki$$ing in the prank videos are mostly blonds and Americans. But now an Indian boy is using some trick to get some ki$$es from girls. The guy had previously failed in getting ki$$ed but now the guy has worked very hard and came up with a trick.

In the video the guy goes up to girls and says that they have to count turn by turn. If the girl gets 21 the guy will get to ki$$ her but the he gets 21 the girl gets to slap him. He goes up to girls and he does pretty well and he gets what he wants i.e. ki$$es. But the situation gets awkward when he does the same thing with two girls and looses his count. He end up getting slapped on his cheeks by one of the girls many times and he gets very nervous. The video is funny and fun to watch.

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