Man survives being pierced by a 1.5 meter metal steel bar: China

11:38:00 PM

A Chinese construction worker was pierced by a 1.5 meter long metal steel bar through his body. The metal steel bar pierced him from the groin to skull in east China’s Shandong Province.

But miraculously the man has survived. The 46 year old with surname Zhang, was working at a construction site. But on June 14 he fell from 5 meter height to the steel bar. He was taken to the hospital after fire fighters were able to cut the bar.

According to reports, an X-ray of his showed that the steel bar missed his skull, trachea, heart, carotid artery and liver by a very small number. Currently he is admitted to Shandong University’s Qilu Hospital in Jinan. The head of the emergency $urg*ery department, Sang Xiguang said, ‘This is a very rare @cc!dent.’

The emergency operation took more than seven hours and to remove the bar from the man’s body, $ur*geons from nine departments worked with fi!ef!ghters. He is currently at the ICU.

Attending doctor of the neurosurgery department, Zhang Yuan said, ‘Luckily the bar barely touched his vital organs. The wo*und was so large, he might not have made it if he was in poor health. One wrong move, and the operation would have failed. Everyone was exhausted by the end of the seven hours $ur*gery.’

The man is now stable but will be kept under observation for 2 weeks.-

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